Northwest Hope & Healing

Dark Age Tattoo Fundraiser for Northwest Hope and Healing

Thanks so much to Eric Eye and the amazing artists at Dark Age Tattoo for supporting Northwest Hope and Healing! On Saturday October 6th, Dark Age Tattoo in the Capitol Hill neighborhood hosted a tattoo fundraiser in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, with 100% of the proceeds benefitting Northwest Hope and Healing. Check out the King5 coverage and video here! If [...]

Dark Age Tattoo Fundraiser for Northwest Hope and Healing2020-08-10T15:49:34-07:00

Cosmo 5k and 7k Fundraiser 2018

Great Route. Gorgeous Waterfront. And a Genuinely Good Cause. Took place on Sunday, September 16, 2018 at the Alki Bathhouse on Alki Beach in Seattle A hearty THANK YOU to everyone who participated in Northwest Hope & Healing’s annual summer fundraiser! Because of you, we are able to continue providing immediate financial assistance to local women who are undergoing treatment [...]

Cosmo 5k and 7k Fundraiser 20182020-03-02T14:05:11-07:00

Style 2018 Fundraiser

Style '18 raised a whopping $310,000—thanks to YOU! As Northwest Hope & Healing’s biggest event of the year, this high-energy evening was a whirlwind of celebration and support for women who are undergoing treatment for breast and gynecologic cancer in the Seattle area. Just take a look: Held at the newly opened The Sanctuary, highlights of our 2018 event [...]

Style 2018 Fundraiser2020-08-10T15:37:17-07:00

Cork Fork Support Wine Tasting Fundraiser on November 16, 2017

Thank you to all who joined us at this event! With your help, we raised over $35,000 to support Northwest Hope & Healing   Cork, Fork, & Support was a grand success—where an awesome gathering of friends, colleagues and neighbors gathered at the historic Melrose Market Studios for a fun night of tasting local wines, cider and spirits and delectable hors d'oeuvres. [...]

Cork Fork Support Wine Tasting Fundraiser on November 16, 20172020-08-10T15:33:14-07:00

Style’17 A Record Breaking Success

  Thank you for making this event such a success!  Together, we raised $225,000 to help women undergoing treatment: a record breaking number! Thank you to our sponsors, volunteers, and of course to all of the attendees that made it possible.  Thank you as well to Chloe Wine Collection for donating the wine, and to all of the donors of [...]

Style’17 A Record Breaking Success2020-03-02T14:06:15-07:00

Northwest Hope and Healing on KING5 New Day Northwest

On April 20, 2016, Northwest Hope and Healing's Executive Director Kristina Dahl made an appearance on KING5's New Day Northwest. Kristina Dahl and NW Hope & Healing grant recipient Tracey Hilton made an appearance on New Day Northwest to talk about how NW Hope & Healing helps cancer patients, and the growing need for assistance within our community. View the [...]

Northwest Hope and Healing on KING5 New Day Northwest2018-03-26T17:48:47-07:00
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