New Interim Executive Director Karyn Blasi Hellar
We are excited to announce the selection of Karyn Blasi Hellar as our new interim Executive Director, and invite you to join us in thanking Kristina Dahl for serving in this role for nearly two years.
We are grateful to Kristina for helping Northwest Hope and Healing grow—through more awareness, more donations, and best of all, more women receiving help through our grants and healing baskets. We are sad to see her leave, but wish her all the best in her new endeavor as a high school English teacher.
Karyn (pictured at right) is prepared to lead NWHH with enthusiasm, knowledge of the organization, a first-hand understanding of our patients’ needs, and a commitment to our cause.
She also brings a wealth of experience to her new role: while managing breast imaging for Swedish Hospital, First Hill, she was asked to join NWHH Board, where she filled roles on the executive team as Board Chair and Vice Chair. Prior to her tenure at Swedish, she worked for a decade at both Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, where she more recently managed the breast cancer program.
“I look forward to continuing to serve and partner with Seattle’s dynamic community in this new capacity,” remarks Karyn. “I am dedicated to supporting and developing NWHH because it provides vital resources to those in need, contributing to this region’s quality of life.”
Please join us in wishing Kristina well in her new endeavors, and also in welcoming Karyn to her new role.